The membership of
the market

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What is membership?

The AX1 Trader is an Exchange trading software which strives to meet all the whims and fancies of the most finicky and tech savvy retail trader. At the same time, AX1 trader platform also endeavors to be the ultimate management console for a typical financial trading service provider. In a nut shell, AX1 trader system is not just a simple trading platform, but a robust potpourri of hundreds of modules and components. These modules can be dynamically amalgamated to provide a wide range of customized solutions, catering to any type of business requirement, in the ever changing world of financial trading.

Types of Memberships

Aims to encourage
engagement & participation

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Broker Member-Individual

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Broker Member-Institutional

Who is Broker

Broker is an institution or individual licensed by Exchange in accordance with criteria prescribed by the Exchange who have right to introduce Sub-Brokers and Clients. They act as a market facilitator to traders, providing advisory services, keeping their sub-brokers and clients updated and informed about any concerns regarding trading opportunities, handling grievances, thereby, ultimately bridging clients with Exchange.

Who is Broker



Highly Customizable

Highly Customizable Crypto Exchange Trading Software

Fast and Efficient

A fast and efficient Trading Platform with a thinking Cap


Intelligent Order matching and Order Routing


Multiple Platform Compatibility

Advanced Equipments

Advanced Charts and Tools for Technical Trading

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic Trading for Institutional Investors

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Who is Client

Clients are the market participants from Digital Asset market who carryout actual trade and transact in the form of Buying and Selling or vice versa. They are involved in trading activities like speculating, hedging, arbitraging for risk mitigation from price volatility or profit-making from price volatility itself.

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Market structure

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Is a crypto currency exchange that brings buyer and seller together to buy, sell and trade various Crypto currencies. This is fully electronic exchange with an automated trading system. The main role of an Exchange is to provide an efficient trading platform with global standards and binding principles and administrative services to its market participants and members. Exchange supervises, observes and has surveillance over the market activities and ensures the smooth and fair operation of trade. It appoints Market Makers and Brokers. The other role of an Exchange is to look after the concerned grievances unsolved at Broker's level. Exchange have a very efficient dispute settlement system, with conciliation and arbitration in place for timely settlement of any trade related issues.

Broker is an institution or individual licensed by Exchange in accordance with criteria prescribed by the Exchange who have right to introduce Sub-Brokers and Clients. They act as a market facilitator to traders, providing advisory services, keeping their sub-brokers and clients updated and informed about any concerns regarding trading opportunities, handling grievances, thereby, ultimately bridging clients with Exchange.

  • Introduce Clients & Sub-brokers and income based on number of trades
  • Have support from the Exchange for promotions and business expansions
  • Expand its business arena by opening branches
  • Access client's trade information through web admin provided to the brokers
  • Online Client Registration system
  • 24 hours support available

Buyer, Seller and Trader are registered with exchange through broker/sub-broker who can buy, sell and trade listed Crypto currencies. They can register with the exchange and can transfer the fund with the help of various available options permitted by the Exchange.


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