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Final candidates for next UK prime minister have made pro-crypto statements

The Conservative Party is expected to decide between Rishi Sunak and LizaTruss as the next party leader by Sept. 5, at which point Johnson will officially step down

01/08/2022    |    Volume 04    |    39

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Japan’s crypto self-regulation ‘experiment’ not working

Self-reg entity JVCEA has reportedly received stern warnings to get its act together, as Japan’s Financial Services Agency pushes for the organization to speed up its AML regulation rollout.

25/07/2022    |    Volume 04    |    38

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Paraguay’s crypto framework one step away from becoming law

Paraguayan lawmakers have deliberated for a year on a comprehensive crypto regulatory framework that includes considerations for businesses and traders.

18/07/2022    |    Volume 04    |    37

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ECB officials prepare for ‘harmonization’ of crypto regulations: Report

Regulators from 19 EU member states will reportedly attend a supervisory board meeting in July to discuss MiCA and its possible implementation.

11/07/2022    |    Volume 04    |    36

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Taiwan central bank governor considers interest-free CBDC design to prevent fiat deposit flight

"Neither of the current CBDCs in circulation, such as the Sand Dollar and the digital yuan, accrue interest on deposits," said Yang.

04/07/2022    |    Volume 04    |    35

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BIS: 90% of Central Banks are researching the utility of CBDCs

The institution's future monetary vision includes exploring innovations grounded in trust in central banks' stable sovereign currencies and safe payment systems.

27/06/2022    |    Volume 04    |    34

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ECB may cap digital euro at 1.5T tokens — Executive board member

"Keeping total digital euro holdings between one trillion and one and a half trillion euro would avoid negative effects for the financial system,” said Fabio Panetta.

20/06/2022    |    Volume 04    |    33

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US central bank digital currency commenters divided on benefits, unified in confusion

Like a Rorschach ink blot, the Federal Reserve Board’s CBDC discussion paper provided stakeholders with an opportunity to find what they wanted to see in it.

13/06/2022    |    Volume 04    |    32

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Fed paper looks at the potential effects of CBDC on monetary policy

The working paper traces the effects of operations with CBDCs through several scenarios and concludes the Fed will have it under control.

06/06/2022    |    Volume 04    |    31

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Brainard tells House committee about potential role of CBDC, future of stablecoins

The Fed vice chair told the House Financial Services Committee that a CBDC offers stability, interoperability in increasingly complex economic system.

30/05/2022    |    Volume 04    |    30

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